
Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Check out our frequently asked questions to find the information you need. If you don't see your question listed below, feel free to reach out to us directly for personalized assistance.
What is an Employer of Record company?
An employer of record (EOR) is a company that acts as the legal employer of record for a business that hires employees in a foreign country.  

This means that LennorHive is responsible for all of the employment-related compliance requirements for your team in the Philippines, such as payroll, taxes, and benefits while you manage the day-to-day work affairs with the employee.
Does Lennorhive hire outside the Philippines?
We currently only offer our Employer of Record (EOR) services in the Philippines, where we can legally hire your employees on your behalf.  We already working on expanding our country coverage.

For recruitment services, we can recruit talent from anywhere in the world. However, we will not be able to hire them on your behalf. You will need to hire them directly.
What benefits can you offer my employees?
The specific benefits that we can offer your employees will depend on the local regulations and your specific needs. We will work with you to design a benefits package that is right for your employees and your business.
How do you manage payroll and taxes?
We have a team of experienced accountants who are experts in Philippine tax law. This ensures that your employees' salaries are calculated correctly and that taxes are withheld and remitted on time.
How do you handle HR matters?
We have a team of experienced HR professionals who are experts in Philippine labor law and HR best practices. This ensures that your employees are treated fairly and that your HR practices are compliant with all local regulations.
What types of companies do you work with?
We work with a wide range of companies, from small startups to large multinational corporations. We screen our clients just as carefully as we screen our candidates, to ensure that we are sending candidates to healthy and supportive work environments.
What can I control as an employer?
You have full control over the terms of the employment contract and the day-to-day management of your employees; however, you must adhere to Philippine specific employment regulations provided to you by Lennorhive
What are the costs of using Lennorhive's EOR?
The total cost of using Lennorhive's EOR will depend on your specific needs and requirements. We recommend that you contact us for a quote.
Is there an annual salary increase for my employee
We have a system in place to review salaries on an annual basis. Generally, this occurs every 12 months. During this review, a standard increase ranging from 4% to 10% is typically considered. However, it's important to note that you have the authority to make decisions that align with your business strategy. If you believe an additional increase is warranted, you have the flexibility to decide and approve any further adjustments to ensure that your employees are fairly compensated and motivated.
What will I do if I would like to terminate an employee?
Reach out to your dedicated Lennorhive representative. Discuss the situation, reasons for termination, and any specific requirements.Our team will guide you through the termination process,ensuring legal compliance and proper documentation. This includes preparing termination letters and assisting with any required paperwork.
How do I get started with Lennorhive?
Schedule a discovery call. We are committed to making the onboarding process as smooth and easy as possible. We will be in touch with you every step of the way to answer any questions you have and make sure that everything is going smoothly.
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